Dishonored DLC

Dishonored box art Bethesda.jpg

With this DLC, you will need to download the file(s), put it onto your USB Flash Drive. The size of it does not matter, it only takes about 800kb to use. Plug it into your PS3 console, transfer it, go to the 'Addons' section, and click 'Re-download'. This will act as if you've purchased the pack already. Enjoy!

In this DLC package, you will receive several licenses to freely download any map pack or exclusive content for this specific game. 

The following content comes with this download:

Arcane Assassin

Shadow Rat

Backstreet Butcher

Acrobatic Killer

Dunwall City Trials

Is the download button above to your requested PS3 game not properly working? Is it glitching up on you? Below is a direct link to the download if you are having issues with the above. Enjoy!

You will need to complete a short survey offer to receive your file. It is VERY easy to complete one, if you try. If you do not know how to complete one, please refer to the image below. Thank you!
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